I totally love the beat and Mia Palencia sings amazingly,Kraft's rapping though im not a fan.Keep saying how he's MY's greatest without giving me any proofs isnt really good rapping for me
I know im probably outdated with this,im pretty outdated with hip-hop/rnb songs nowdays but im loving this song.And a lil bit bout Drake,hes currently labeled as "Prince of Hip-Hop" and so far I do like his stuffs hopefully he can live up to the title.
When I first saw all those great reviews bout his album I had like a doubt in my head cause I thought Wu Tang Clan kind of Hip-Hop music is abit "outdated" but then I took a listen anyway and its pretty good.I guess its proven again old school hip hop never sound bad.For everyone who doesnt want to listen to Flo Rida/Sean Kingston/Soulja Boy kind of commercial rap this is a real rap album and nowdays there arent alot of them anymore.Talk about changes in the industry,everyone does it for the money and when that happens an artform kind of loose its roots but then thank God for some really passionate people who would still do things for the passion in their heart.
Jesus can i stop posting about Lee Hyori?!?!?!? well maybe if she doesnt look this good,and this is one hot editorial from her but then what else would i expect.This ed also show that why push-up bras are good for women
Pearl Jam are veterans when it comes to some good rock music and they certainly dont dissapoint even though I prefer their all out hard rock and roll stuffs and the 2nd part of the album sounds abit soft and mellow but its still all good.