Based on the tragic historical event of Nanjing Massacre (where Japanese invaded the city of Nanjing in China during the WWII and about 300,000 chinese soldiers and civilians were killed and may they be in peace I don't know how many women were raped by the terror that was Japanese Imperial Army,also is definitely one of the most tragic day in the history of China).Plot is nothing extraordinary brings you through the cruelty of war and how people have to suffer through it and the most tragic aspect of it.What I like though is that it's beautifully captured in Black and White,which fits the mood of the entire movie perfectly gives it an extra sense of emotion if it wasnt emotion enough in the first place.Everysinge moment in the movie feels like a perfect Black and White picture.Beautifully captured,really is.
It is also very critically acclaimed won numerous awards for Hong Kong Film Festival and also the Asian Film Festival.Best Director during the Asian Film Festival if im not mistaken and totally deserve it.What great movie making.Also alot of credits need to go to Mr.Cao Yu the brilliant cinematographer who captured the movie in such brilliant visuals.
jj is a very dreamy indie pop/electronica group from Sweden and probably one of the few bands that made the biggest impression on me last year.Their music is very sweet and romantic and young and child at heart and happy and carefree I'm so glad they're putting out another album so soon such lovely things to hear. She&Him indie pop group actress Zoey Deschanel is the singer and I've blogged about their first album before which i totally not like but LOVED.It was amazingly soothing and nostalgic sounding music it gets my mind off somewhere,somewhere good and the sun shines bright and nice.
Interestingly JJ's album is titled no.3 cause its their third and She&Him is titled Volume Two cause its their second.Talk about random similarities being not exactly that random.
Coincidentally I just came back from China and saw this lovely ed for Vogue China,I've to say Vogue China is keeping up the standard with their editorial.Love the dreamy feel of this
I'm so happy im off to a trip to Beijing,hope it wont dissapoint me I am expected to be impressed.Hopefully will be back with some really nice pictures of Beijing.
this song is almost 20 years old,but it sounds like it could've been produced just yesterday still every little bit that relevant.If Im not mistaken Sir Paul McCartney said this was one of his favourite songs of all time,and yes this song is something special.
Marloes Horst a Dutch model,not really one of the most famous but one of my favourites cause she is just so adorable and heavenly sexy at the same time.I've a thing for women that are sexy and adorable at the same time and that is pretty much the hardest to find mix.Above are her works for Princesse Tam Tam and Myla Lingerie S/S 2010,im just glad that shes getting jobs so that I would get to see more of her.
I love this movie.The story line is a very typical lovey dovey,its about 5 love stories and nothing too exceptionally creative with the plot but sometimes the good ol stuffs work.Innovation is good but it is not necessary cause I thoroughly enjoyed this movie.I think it's very nicely written,directed and captured.Everything just flow exceptionally smooth.My favourite movie of the year so far. Up In The Air,probably my most anticipated movie this year along side with Ip Man II.I anticipated for a very simple reason cause im a big fan of George Clooney and I read some really positive reviews about this movie.About a man who travels 320days in a year and about him making connections with people is a damn good possible plot for me.The movie is very smooth entirely even though I wouldnt say very exceptionally good (it's just a very simple movie nothing too hard to grasp or nothing that makes you go woah and no fancy visual effects and no 3D and no cutting edge technology like Avatar) but it does work for me probably cause Clooney as always play the character with such charm.This movie makes you realize what's important in your life,what's the purpose of life/does life has one ? Do we need company or are we able to live by ourselves. It is something to ponder about ...