I don't want to get into details but then the thing about life is,changes always happen different people deal with it differently,some people try to prevent changes from happening but then why so right?if it has to happen we might as well embrace it.
My life has changed big time after my form5 which was like 1 n a half year ago,friends who i was once so close with like almost gay just grew apart partly cause i had a girlfriend and all but then now its to a point of almost no way to save the friendship.Honestly I still love the boys all of em but then if things got to happen then I wont tryna complain too much about it as long as everyone is still living fine and happy with how their life is currently shaped the world isnt any less better place for any1 isnt it?
I'm glad that I've made some new friends last semester,even though if uve known me long enough you'd think they're not my type of people but then Im actually happy.I do embrace all my current friends now who are decent and dont party hardcore or do crazy cool things but then you see so much more of life sometimes when you're decent and not so called "cool"(clubs,party,boooze,flirt around,go home after 3),u learn how to appreciate the little things in life more,life gets less complicated,its all smiles and no troubles.And oh yea I am so gonna get my President's List this semester lol
Truthfully,I still love and will always do,all my boys whom I used to be so close with
and also I embrace all these new friends that I've,that really do put a smile on my face with doing really simple things