Sunday, November 23, 2008

I don't believe in unconventional beauty

I don't believe in unconventional beauty because I dont have in mind a concept of a conventional beauty.To me beauty isnt supposed to be conventional it's supposed to be exciting it's supposed to pop out of nowhere and make you feel that life is great and I believe one thing ugly is a thing beautiful to another person.At the same time I don't find everyone in this world beautiful but I'm sure everyone in this world would have someone that appreciates his/her beauty.I don't believe in the saying of "it should be this way",I believe there are people who would believe it can be at least just as good in another way round.I don't believe that music would only sound good if it's approved for release by a major record label I believe it can be just as good if it's played and recorded in someone's basement.I don't believe that an image can only be stunning if it's captured or created according to tutorials or a how to create good image for dummies book,I believe it can be captured or created through random trials and errors,I also believe that one not up to standard image can be a pleasant one to another person.I don't appreciate certain stuffs that people wear but if it makes a person happy and there's another person in this world that appreciate it than I would say go ahead.I guess what I believe in is dont restrict yourself,explore with the possibilities,if the world is beautiful for one thing it's variety,if there's one thing beautiful about human civilization and democracy I would say it's our different taste in things it's something natural yet something that we need to explore with.I like the fact that nothing is ever definitely right or wrong,Obama's to be the next American President might be much celebrated but still there were alot of people who wanted John McCain,that's the beauty of the world.

If there's one thing that the majority of the human race is supposed to agree on it'd have to be the law,and to certain extent traditional and moral values that have been passed down for generations.Other than that I believe we all should explore in one way or another

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