Saturday, November 14, 2009

2012,watched and probably longest review I've ever written cause Im in the mood to write

"The moment we stop fighting for each other, that's the moment we lose our humanity."

that's a quote from the movie,which is no doubt my favourite moment of that movie I think I was at my most emotional ever during a movie during that scene.Call me a weirdo but I care bout humanity and I've always thought we should all contribute to "humanity" and we are all as one so please let us all be one with another regardless of the differences.

There's also a scene which a tibetan old lady said something like "We're all citizens of the world" that is a great quote too and how often ppl are unable to see that.We label ourselves according to nationality,ethnicity,religion,jobs,social classes etc etc.Yes I do appreciate varities in this world but whats underlying it all is that we're all really citizens of mother Earth we're all humans (that's a Baha'i principle that I really embrace even though Im not exactly a Baha'i by religion) and we're not that different from one another (especially when facing a worldwide crisis like end of the world).I really hope the people of Islam and the West who are always and still is fighting can see that soon.All these fighting about who's right and who's wrong,well there's no right and wrong.We're merely humans,sometimes the greater truth of right and wrong (Islam vs Christianity) is,and I truly believe,beyond our realm/capacity/abilities of knowledge.We should just see it as nothing but difference of perspectives.Believe in what you believe in and theres no need to interfere with others' belief as you won't like it if they interfere with yours.Jesus said and also one of the key Confucian principles "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you ".

Okay I went out of topic there,got abit too excited bout the topic of humanity anyway overall the movie's great.Totally my kind of movie I've always loved all these end of the world movies all the buildings crumbling,sea rising,people screaming,everything is falling apart in a big disaster kind of movies.The Day After Tomorrow was my fav. too.I like how they make it so emotional and so thrilling at all moments.The movie was way over 2hours but never was a tired moment for me the plot is great enough to keeps me excited from start till end.This has been a very dissapointing year for movies but thank God we still have a good big blockbuster like this.And oh seems like they learned a new way to add some fun to a movie,put the russians with their ascent in lol always add so much fun to a movie,such interesting ascent they have.

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